Photo by Anush Babajanyan
During this nine-day workshop, each participant will go through the beautiful process of building a story, with the support of John Stanmeyer and Anush Babajanyan. In addition to practical work, lectures on narrative development, the language of photography and the art of visual storytelling will be given. There will be discussions about today’s constantly changing field of photography and how your career and purpose expands through the art of visual narratives and social media communication.
The creation of a concise body of work is one of the aims of this workshop, but the most important goal is the learning experience itself, and the beautiful process of overcoming the challenges while making a story happen. These gatherings with Anush and John are more spiritual and expansive than pragmatic.
This workshop will teach, but it will also inspire participants to become a better photographer and visual storyteller. VII also believes in the importance of creating and expanding its community by sharing intimately and candidly the experience of decades in the field of its photographers.
In committee with VII Academy Curator Yonola Viguerie, VII Trustee Jennifer Gross, and VII Foundation Manager of Operations Amber Maitland, here are our selections for the workshop: