Krea University, Sricity, India

I am privileged to work with a wonderful friend Nirmala Rao, Vice Chancellor at Krea, presenting on the Krea University Distinguished Lecture Series as seen below with its first two seminars featuring Steedman Hinckley and Jack Blum. I will be posting the events of which there are 10 for this initial semester as they occur. Nirmala is a unique friend who I met first in London when I was invited to meet faculty and present my ideas for the future of School of Oriental and African Studies SOAS's MENA program. We subsequently traveled to Beijing to present a concept for an Honors College at Beijing Foreign Studies University. 

Nirmala, passionate about higher education, especially for women, was the Vice Chancellor for the Asian University for Women, in Chittagong, Bangladesh from 2017-2022 before assuming her responsibilities at Krea.