Marcy Murninghan joins LEAP

I introduced Peter Droege to Marcy Murninghan, who was an Institute INSPIRE Fellow during the 2007-08 EPIIC year on “Global Poverty and Inequality.” In her time at the Institute, she wrote a report on Fighting the Fury: Climate Change, Natural Disasters, and the Stewardship Ethic - building on her decades of experience in corporate social responsibility and ethics - which links the military services and civil and business sectors in a integrative framework to respond to climate disaster.

Fighting the Fury examines existing practice and opportunities for cultivating private sector and civil–military partnerships and leadership, opportunities that traverse the humanitarian community, and the overlapping arenas of corporate and investor social responsibility, as well as academe. It suggests how these partnerships might be strengthened and new ones created, while engaging, too, other actors such as social entrepreneurs, foundations, and the media.”

Marcy has developed a new Equity Culture / Civic Fiduciary initiative that encompasses the concept of a civilian disaster corps that she developed at the Institute. In addition to being an integral contributor to ALLIES - my Institute’s civil-military program - with her emphasis on civil-military collaboration on climate response, she is now a LEAP fellow, and with Peter and LISD’s insight will continue to develop and advocate for this framework.