Wellesley "Global Tea" on Middle East Peace Plan

I led a discussion for Wellesley’s “Global Tea” series, on the repercussions of Trump and Netanyahu’s recent announcement of their “peace plan” for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which aims to outright annex much of the West Bank and potentially strip many Arab-Israelis of their citizenship. According to many commentators who had previously resisted the comparison, the plan would fully realize apartheid in Israel, and create a Bantustan-like Palestinian state with no real sovereignty or control over its security.


I presented the interactive satellite maps of B’Tselem to students. They cover the fifty-plus year history of settling and encroachment of the West Bank and Gaza since the 1967 war, in a remarkably thorough, factual, and irrefutable way.

I was asked to present by Ify Nwolah, an Albright Fellow from Nigeria helps direct “Global Tea.” Given Ify’s aspiration to one-day become the Minister of Education in Nigeria, I was pleased to introduce her to my friend Oby Ezekwesili, who has served in that role.