Harvard IRC & LEAP
We have initiated a meaningful sustained relationship between LISD and Harvard’s undergraduate International Relations Council. The Trebuchet has successfully collaborated with the IRC in the past - we secured the IRC as a permanent host for the Oslo Scholars Program of the Human Rights Foundation, and helped them convene a College Freedom Forum in the Spring of 2019.
For LISD we have mediated a very exciting and promising initial exchange with Peter Droege and Davis Tyler-Dudley, the IRC’s President for the 2020-21 academic term.
Mindful the virtual learning necessitated by COVID in addition to the ongoing LEAP offerings of embedded internships, reverse internship coaching, and opportunities with the LISD network, Peter has proposed to provide thesis guidance and support for students conducting capstone research on sustainability issues.
Particularly exciting, both as a conceptual direction, and as a framework for internship and research opportunities, are LISD’s new T2 Programs: Terra 2 - Transformations for a Changing Planet, and the Global Engagement for Active Interns Project. T2 is a call to universities, agencies, institutions and concerned individuals to squarely focus on the habitability of a future Earth with a far different and more extreme climate than our current one, and to envision a permissive economic, political, social, and cultural environment globally that will nurture the breakthroughs we need.