Shai Schubert
Shai Schubert is a scientist and inventor in the fields of regenerative medicine and medical devices. Most recently, he became the CEO and Co-founder of Feromics, Inc. Shai completed his Ph.D. at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology studying the role of food antioxidants in vascular health and their impact on intravascular shear stress induced pathologies. He then pursued a postdoctoral position at the Harvard MIT division on Health Sciences and Technology where he studied the role of mononuclear blood cells in vascular health.
After working as a scientist on the development of cellular therapies for vascular and bone conditions, Shai changed directions to become an entrepreneur, starting three companies in the fields of cellular therapy and medical devices and touching the lives of thousands of patients. He has published 14 peer reviewed research papers and 16 patents.
Mentoring was always a major part of Shai’s work. From mentoring PhD students and postdoctoral fellows through their research and career development and supporting young entrepreneurs making their first steps in the business world. Shai enjoys helping people find their strength and motivation when facing a new phase in life.
To me, Shai is first and foremost a wonderful friend, unsparing with his time and advice. Together we helped galvanize a Boston-based progressive Israeli diaspora to support democratic norms in Israel, a humane future for Israelis and Palestinians alike, and to confront authoritarianism and discrimination, in all its forms, in the U.S. A passionate jazz guitarist, he believes that jazz is king!