New HRF Podcasts: November Recap

New HRF Podcasts: November Recap

Dissidents and Dictators is the Human Rights Foundation (HRF)'s podcast series that serves as a storytelling platform for some of the world's bravest activists, artists, policymakers, business leaders, and technologists. Throughout the month of November, we released a number of new episodes, including:

Episode #62 - The Flames of the Feminist Revolution Have Been Fanned in Iran

In this episode, recorded at the 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum in New York, we hear from Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad, who spearheaded the “My Stealthy Freedom” campaign to protest Iran’s compulsory hijab laws for women and girls. Alinejad talks about the recent murder of Mahsa Amini and the reality of life for women living under the tyrannical Iranian regime.

Episode #63 - On the Frontlines of Freedom

In this episode, recorded at the 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum in New York, we hear from Oleksandra Matviichuk, the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and head of the Center for Civil Liberties. Matviichuk speaks about the horrors and atrocities of Putin’s war in Ukraine — she says, "You don't need to be Ukrainian to support Ukraine. You just need to be human."

Episode #64 - A Global Movement for Democracy

In this episode, recorded at the 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum in New York, Venezuelan Opposition leader Leopoldo Lópezdiscusses the fight for democracy in Venezuela and globally. “There is no one person, there is no one movement, there is no one country, there is no one company that can be successful in bringing about freedom. It’s only about the ‘We’.”

Episode #65 - All for the Land of Snow: Where is Home?

In this episode, recorded at the 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum in New York, we hear from Tibetan activist and community organizer Chemi Lhamo, who has dedicated her life to resisting the Chinese occupation of her homeland. Tune in to learn how we can rise above tyranny together and elevate the Tibetan cause.


Julia Shufro


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