Emalee Thitthavong

Emalee has a background in international affairs and economics, and has years of experience as a teacher of communication to a global audience. She has conducted grassroots research in Indonesia, focusing on maternal healthcare to alleviate some of the highest rates of postpartum hemorrhaging in the world. In the Dominican Republic, Emalee tackled workers’ rights issues in the international garment industry and helped launch the first unionized, living-wage garment factory. She used her skills abroad in  communication, development and technology to pivot to digital communication for a variety of organizations domestically. Her experiences have included working in healthcare spaces and helping doctors and patients navigate complex medical treatment options, to working with non-profit organizations focusing on refugee resettlement, racial justice, and addressing education inequality. 

Currently, Emalee is the Strategic Growth Manager and Communication Coach at Executive Voice, (www.executive-voice.com) coaching international cliente at various career stages. Notably, she’s worked with graduate and PhD level economics departments, world fellows, public health professionals, environmentalists, and architects at top universities around the world. She’s also worked with political candidates and their teams on the municipal and federal level, and executives in the private sector.


VII Foundation: Imagine: Reflections on Peace


Combatants for Peace: Joint Memorial Ceremony Recap