RWCHR Announced as Co-Chair of international sanctions coalition


The Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights (RWCHR) is excited to announce its new major role as Co-Chair of a global civil society coalition comprising over 300 of the world's leading Non-Governmental Organizations advocating for targeted sanctions against perpetrators of human rights abuses and corruption. 

Coordinated by US-based NGO Human Rights First, this Coalition has been instrumental in much of the major sanctions designations in recent years, as well as meaningful legislative and policy initiatives. The RWCHR's new role as Co-Chair of this important group signals a newfound focus on Canada – a recognition of the leading role of Canadian civil society and government – and the need for further concrete action and coordination. 

The RWCHR will continue its role at the forefront of advocating policy reforms and strengthening multilateral coordination, but now with the intensified support of the world's major human rights institutions and as a leading voice of a diverse Canadian civil society.


The RWCHR Team