Nicole Shea

Nicole is a Managing Partner in Germany for Perett Laver, a leading international executive search firm "finding outstanding leaders bringing diversity and vision to 'purpose-driven' sectors in over 70 countries globally.  

Her experience of senior level executive search includes Board, Chief Executive, Senior Academic and Administrative appointments throughout Europe, within the Higher Education, Research, Technology and Innovation, Social Impact and Environment Practices.

Prior to joining Perrett Laver, Nicole was Executive Director of the Council for European Studies at Columbia University (CES) and the Executive Editor and Founder of the journal EuropeNow. She oversaw the renowned annual International Conference of Europeanists, the prestigious World Society Foundation Global Fellowships as well as the Mellon-Dissertation Completion Fellowships, among others, and supported 17 Research Networks, including those addressing the Environment, European Culture, Immigration and Social Movements.

 Before joining CES, Shea served as the Executive Director of the Eisenhower Leadership Center at West Point, where she was instrumental in shaping the Center’s innovative interdisciplinary programs and its successful global operation. Recently, she was elected Chair of COST Action 18204 “Dynamics of Placemaking and Digitization in Europe’s cities,” which aims to empower citizens to contribute with citizen’s knowledge, digitization, and placemaking to diverse ways of interpreting local identities in European cities.

A former Rotarian Ambassadorial Scholar, she completed her undergraduate work at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Germany and later earned both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Binghamton University. She is the author of The Politics of Prostitution in ‘Berlin Alexanderplatz’ and the co-editor of The Many Voices of Europe: Mobility and Migration in Contemporary Europe.  

I met wonderful Nicole when I was introduced to her by the then President of the Council for European Studies Barnard’s Profesor Sheri Berman who participated in my last EPIIC colloquium and symposia effort at Tufts,  The Future of Europe worked closely with her when she was the editor of EuropeNow as this link describes.


Grace Spalding-Fecher


Allan Goodman