Maria Udalova

I’ve had a diverse upbringing across Cyprus, London, Miami and Orlando, facilitated by my parent’s love for new adventures and change in environment. My parents also instilled in me a passion for the arts and humanities from an early age, taking my brother and I to museums, theatres, exhibitions, and historic sites around the world - a passion that’s still prevalent in my everyday life.  

I’m a rising junior at Brookline High School and at BHS, I’m part of the Mock Trial, Model UN, and Speech and Debate clubs. I’ve found that they’re incredible platforms through which I can engage in exciting discourse, challenge and improve my argumentative skills, and meet many wonderful people. 

Additionally, I participate in my school’s Climate and Food Justice club through which I write for the Greenzine, a forum for news, opinion and creative expression about climate change, outdoor education and the environment. Engaging in this club and contributing to the zine this year has ignited my growing interest for international environmental policy, a field I am enthusiastic about pursuing in the future.

Outside of school I play rugby, work as an artist in a pottery studio, and volunteer at the Brookline food pantry. When I have a few hours to spare, I love to bury my nose in a book, start a new art project or hang out with my friends. 

I met Sherman when he came to my Global Leadership class at school as a guest speaker, after which I sought him out in hopes of working for him over the summer and beyond. I found him to be captivating and delightful to be around, and I can’t wait to see what working on the Trebuchet with them will bring me.