Our Way Forward - From Convisero's Dahlia Shaham

Our Way Forward - Captioned by Convisero’s Dahlia Shaham

At a time of great rupture
In the midst of a harsh reality
When the distinction between despair and hope
Is fragile and sometimes shatters into fragments
As violence rears its head
As human dignity is threatened by inhuman cruelty
We must remember there are some things we do not give up on
There are some values that cannot be shaken 
We were all created in God’s image
And even in the hardest of times
There is a path we must walk
And we must walk that path together
For we are destined to live in this land together. 

“Righteousness shall go before God, and shall make God’s footsteps a way” 
[Psalm 85:14] 

Please donate to Rabbis for Human Rights so that we can continue to build a way forward


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