American Friends of Combatants for Peace

Dear Sherman,   

Usually, we write to you at the end of the year to share our highlights from the year that is ending and share our hopes and dreams for the year ahead. But this year feels different.

Someone that knows us well recently told us that to them, we are like the cabin crew that they look to in bad turbulence. They try to look for any signs of panic or concern in their eyes to know how they should react. Well, we are choosing to keep our heads up, and remain determined and hopeful while coming to terms with our present and reality. We are all still grieving, still mourning for those that we have lost, and still attending funerals and wakes in unimaginable numbers in both Israel and Palestine. We still look on in shock and horror as the people of Gaza are dying, suffering, and starved. And still, we are all denied any sense of security or safety, and we fear for our families, our friends, and our collective futures.

Butwe have power in our togetherness and take comfort from the small yet heroic acts that occur in our movement every day--the Israeli activists that are still traveling to the Jordan Valley to protect the Palestinian shepherds from the barbarity of the settlers and the impunity of the army, the Palestinian activists that speak out with such humanity and bravery, and our staff that keep our movement running despite their own sadness, instability, and pressures.

We also want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Without the support of the international community, nothing would be achievable, and there have been many proud moments throughout the year that we will look back on soon. But for now, we are focused on today, and the day after the war. What comes next for our societies and how can we begin to repair and recover from this horror?

 One thing that we know is that we can't take our 'Togetherness' for granted. We have to work through a barrage of obstacles and dig deep to keep our teams united and not let our grief or anger overwhelm us. Combatants for Peace has existed since the Second Intifada in 2006, when it took the bravery and imagination of a few fighters to create something magical. We are looking back to our roots and asking for that same bravery and commitment to non-violence to carry us forward. Please join us in keeping up international pressure to insist on a political solution to end this conflict and stop the bloodshed now. We know that there is simply no military solution here, and nothing to gain from this empty loss of life.

We have updated our vision for 2024: 

"We believe in a future where all people live in peace with

dignity, justice, and liberty."


It sounds simple, but we are a long way from achieving this. This is what we will strive for in 2024 and beyond, and what our organization proudly stands for. Please support this vision, use your voice to share our message, and stand with us as we prepare for the day after the war.

 All that is left is to wish everyone a peaceful New Year. We hope for better days ahead for us all.


Abraham Initiatives


The Long War on Gaza by Sara Roy