This is what community looks like - New England Innocence Project

We’ve had a very eventful fall! Our community has come together over the past several weeks in celebration and solidarity, in hope and in healing. We’ve worked together to grow the movement to free innocent people from prison. We’ve raised our voices in honor of loved ones who are still incarcerated. We’ve educated our legislators in an effort to shed light on wrongful convictions, and advocated for reforms to prevent future tragedies and help freed people to thrive.

Thank you for being such an important part of our community.
We’re happy to share some of these memorable moments with you.

View the Photo Album

Thank You to Our Pro Bono Partners!

It's Pro Bono Month and we'd like to say a sincere "thank you" to all of the professionals who lend their time, skills, and energy to helping us fight wrongful convictions and support people who are working to rebuild. Every year, we receive hundreds of requests for assistance and our pro bono partners make it possible to take on more cases and provided much needed services and support to exonerees and freed people. Thank you!

If your firm is interested in getting involved in our pro bono program, please email Radha Natarajan at


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