Jack Margolin

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Jack Margolin is a Program Director at C4ADS, a non-profit that uses publicly available information and emerging technology to investigate and disrupt illicit networks. Jack's team, Conflict Finance and Irregular Threats, focuses on the financial drivers of conflict — war economies, the illicit trade in small arms, and the actors behind war crimes and mass atrocity. He is interested in how emerging technology and novel partnerships can improve human security and create accountability for the networks profiting from organized violence. At C4ADS, Jack has investigated issues ranging from corruption in South Sudan, to the war in Eastern Ukraine, and nuclear proliferation networks in South Asia. 

Jack is an alumnus of the 2014-2015 EPIIC "Russia in the XXIst Century '' Colloquium and the Oslo Scholars program. He graduated from Tufts in 2016 with a Major in International Relations and a Minor in Russian Language, before teaching English and conducting research in Odesa, Ukraine with Fulbright. He is originally from Atlanta, Georgia. 

On his experience with EPIIC:

There's a fairly straight line that I can draw from my initial involvement with EPIIC to the work I am doing now. EPIIC and Oslo Scholars forced me to interrogate my own values and exposed me to people who were doing profoundly impact work. Over the span of that Colloquium year, my interests shifted from a more conventional focus on international security to an interest in the causes of conflict and mass atrocity — and the corresponding levers of accountability. Consequently, I discovered the Institute for Global Leadership's Initiative on Mass Atrocity and Genocide (IMAGE). I was exceptionally lucky to find essentially everything I was looking for — in particular, a route from study into practice — in one place. The EPIIC experience and the people I met through it are unquestionably one of the brightest parts of my time at Tufts,

Aside from the influence that EPIIC and other programs within the broader IGL had on my own intellectual development, I'm most indebted to the program for the folks that I got to know as a result. I've had the great fortune to work alongside some of the crew that I originally got to know through my reading group in EPIIC. I continue to find myself collaborating with people that have come through this community again and again.