Right/Wrong: How Technology Transforms Our Ethics

Many shifts in the right vs. wrong pendulum are affected by advances in technology. In "Right/Wrong," Juan Enriquez reflects on the evolution of ethics in a ...


Tuesday January 26th, 12:00pm ET

Many shifts in the right vs. wrong pendulum are affected by advances in technology. In Right/Wrong, Juan Enriquez reflects on the evolution of ethics in a technological age.

How will accelerating technology challenge and flip your ideas of right and wrong? What are we doing today that will be considered abhorrent tomorrow because of tech change?

Juan Enriquez is an author, speaker, and research affiliate at MIT’s Synthetic Neurobiology Lab. He is Managing Director of Excel Venture Management, a life sciences VC firm, and also the author of Evolving Ourselves, As the Future Catches You, and The Untied States of America. We are privileged to have him as a Convisero mentor.

Kit McDonnell is a biologist-turned-communicator operating at the intersection of biotech, design, and sustainability. She is currently director of corporate affairs at the agtech start-up Enko Chem. Kit was a member of the Synaptic Scholars Program of the Institute for Global Leadership.

Wendell Wallach is a Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow and co-director of the Carnegie AI & Equality Initiative. He is the author of A Dangerous Master: How to Keep Technology from Slipping Beyond Our Control.


This event is hosted by Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, thanks to the intervention of Wendell, a Carnegie-Uehiro Fellow with the Council. We have begun an exciting event partnership - our next webinar co-sponsored with them will be with Professor Jonathan Moreno on his new book Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die: Bioethics and the Transformation of Health Care in America.
