This Month at The Abraham Initiatives

Reasons for Concern and Hope in Shared Workplaces

At the end of last year, The Abraham Initiatives launched a new project to promote cohesion and positive relations in mixed workplaces. These shared workplaces are both an area of concern and opportunity. Since October 7th, we have heard disturbing reports of tensions and discrimination. At the same time, these are islands of cooperation, where Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel interact most often. 

Our Shared Workplaces Initiative is recruiting and training management consultants in offering advice geared toward ensuring fairness and equity in mixed workplaces (one such training is pictured above). A first cohort of consultants recently graduated from our training and have started advising organizations—including in the private sector, education, and municipal government. Our initiative is unique in that we emphasize the importance of intervening in blue collar workplaces, which are among the most diverse in Israeli society and have not received adequate attention. 

A survey we recently completed with the Afkar Institute demonstrates the need for intervention and the effectiveness of our model. The findings are clear: shared workplaces that invest in cooperation between Jewish and Arab employees have much better outcomes across a wide array of categories.


Abraham Initiatives Co-CEO Meets with Mechina Students

 Amnon Be’eri-Sulitzeanu, our Co-CEO, spoke with students from Mechina Bina (pre-military academy) about crime and violence in Arab society. Amnon provided background information including some of the deep social challenges behind the problem. Bina is one of the mechinot that participate in our Living in One Land anti-racism education initiative, and the students' interest and curiosity about their Arab neighbors have grown from meeting to meeting. We have observed these changes within their questions as well as in their attitudes and opinions. As Amnon explained, "I am meeting these young men and women of Bina for the second time this year and leave full of hope from their open minds, their curiosity and their growing values."

Training Courses for Educators in the Negev


This month we held the final teacher training session of the academic year in educating against violence in schools.As part of our intervention within Bedouin communities of the Negev to stop the cycle of violence and open the possibility of a better future, we continue to provide our personal security and safety courses to young adults, as well as training for educators. The final meeting was impactful, with teachers sharing how beneficial these trainings have been for them in the classroom.

Raising Awareness Abroad

Over the last month, staff experts from The Abraham Initiatives have toured the US and UK to speak about efforts to bolster shared society in Israel, and ensure equity of services and full rights for Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel. In London, Labour Friends of Israel hosted incoming Co-CEO, Shahira Shalaby, and Co-Director of Public Affairs, Moran Maimoni, to provide a briefing for Members of Parliament. In the US, Shahira joined Co- Director of Programs Ruth Lewin-Chen in meetings with supporters, including at the J Street conference in Washington (pictured). Ruth and Shahira also met with community organizations in New York and Chicago that work on issues of violence prevention, police reform, and social cohesion to exchange best practices, models, and experiences.

Policy Updates from Israel

Our team in Israel regularly produces succinct and evidence-based policy papers and recommendations for government ministries, academic institutions, and a variety public and private entities facing challenges related to shared life. Below are links to recent policy publications translated into English.

Ramadan: Challenges and Policy Recommendations

Cuts to the Budget for Curbing Violence and Crime in Arab Society

Cuts in the Budget for Arab Society

Policy Paper on Supervision of Schools Bill

Peace Education and Shared Society During the War


Joshua Reed-Diawuoh launches company GRIA to support African farmers


Call for Applications: Nuclear Futures Fellowship