From Community 2 Sherman Teichman From Community 2 Sherman Teichman

This Month at The Abraham Initiatives

Reasons for Concern and Hope in Shared Workplaces

At the end of last year, The Abraham Initiatives launched a new project to promote cohesion and positive relations in mixed workplaces. These shared workplaces are both an area of concern and opportunity. Since October 7th, we have heard disturbing reports of tensions and discrimination. At the same time, these are islands of cooperation, where Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel interact most often. 

Our Shared Workplaces Initiative is recruiting and training management consultants in offering advice geared toward ensuring fairness and equity in mixed workplaces (one such training is pictured above). A first cohort of consultants recently graduated from our training and have started advising organizations—including in the private sector, education, and municipal government. Our initiative is unique in that we emphasize the importance of intervening in blue collar workplaces, which are among the most diverse in Israeli society and have not received adequate attention. 

A survey we recently completed with the Afkar Institute demonstrates the need for intervention and the effectiveness of our model. The findings are clear: shared workplaces that invest in cooperation between Jewish and Arab employees have much better outcomes across a wide array of categories.


Abraham Initiatives Co-CEO Meets with Mechina Students

 Amnon Be’eri-Sulitzeanu, our Co-CEO, spoke with students from Mechina Bina (pre-military academy) about crime and violence in Arab society. Amnon provided background information including some of the deep social challenges behind the problem. Bina is one of the mechinot that participate in our Living in One Land anti-racism education initiative, and the students' interest and curiosity about their Arab neighbors have grown from meeting to meeting. We have observed these changes within their questions as well as in their attitudes and opinions. As Amnon explained, "I am meeting these young men and women of Bina for the second time this year and leave full of hope from their open minds, their curiosity and their growing values."

Training Courses for Educators in the Negev


This month we held the final teacher training session of the academic year in educating against violence in schools.As part of our intervention within Bedouin communities of the Negev to stop the cycle of violence and open the possibility of a better future, we continue to provide our personal security and safety courses to young adults, as well as training for educators. The final meeting was impactful, with teachers sharing how beneficial these trainings have been for them in the classroom.

Raising Awareness Abroad

Over the last month, staff experts from The Abraham Initiatives have toured the US and UK to speak about efforts to bolster shared society in Israel, and ensure equity of services and full rights for Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel. In London, Labour Friends of Israel hosted incoming Co-CEO, Shahira Shalaby, and Co-Director of Public Affairs, Moran Maimoni, to provide a briefing for Members of Parliament. In the US, Shahira joined Co- Director of Programs Ruth Lewin-Chen in meetings with supporters, including at the J Street conference in Washington (pictured). Ruth and Shahira also met with community organizations in New York and Chicago that work on issues of violence prevention, police reform, and social cohesion to exchange best practices, models, and experiences.

Policy Updates from Israel

Our team in Israel regularly produces succinct and evidence-based policy papers and recommendations for government ministries, academic institutions, and a variety public and private entities facing challenges related to shared life. Below are links to recent policy publications translated into English.

Ramadan: Challenges and Policy Recommendations

Cuts to the Budget for Curbing Violence and Crime in Arab Society

Cuts in the Budget for Arab Society

Policy Paper on Supervision of Schools Bill

Peace Education and Shared Society During the War

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From Community 2 Sherman Teichman From Community 2 Sherman Teichman

Purpose-led Leadership Lessons for the 21st Century - Organized by Achilleas Stamatiadis

Purpose-led Leadership Lessons for the 21st Century

Premises: Kaireios Library premises (Andros), Andros Yacht Club

Organized by Convisero mentor Achilleas Stamatiadis

Dates: 23-25 August 2024

Mission Statement: Learning from the past - Reshaping our Future

Purpose-led leadership is a leadership approach that emphasizes the importance of aligning an organization’s mission and values with the personal values and goals of its leaders. It goes beyond traditional leadership models that primarily focus on achieving financial goals and instead places a strong emphasis on making a positive impact on society and the world.

Key characteristics of Purpose-led Leadership include:

  • Mission and Values Alignment

  • Inspiration and Motivation

  • Social Responsibility and Impact

  • Long-term Thinking

  • Stakeholder Responsibility and ESG

  • Adaptability and AI literacy

  • Ethical Leadership

  • Employee Well-being

  • Measuring Impact to Society

That is why it’s more important than ever, today. We live in an era in which there’s often a vacuum of role models. The aim of our conference is to bring about and inspire such models via a live contact with Purpose-led leaders which will stimulate a discussion and bring forth new models of Leadership and Societal Impact to help alter our future.

Conference Speakers/Participants

  1. Yannis Perrotis, Chairman CBRE Atria Group

  2. Emmanuel Vordonis, Former Chairman Thenamaris Ship Management Company

  3. Alexandra Mitsotakis, President of World Human Forum, Social Entrepreneur

  4. Andreas Andrianopoulos, Director of the International Institute of Diplomacy and

  5. Foreign Policy at New York College, Former Minister

  6. John Molfetas, Investor Relations Manager, Thenamaris

  7. Achilleas Stamatiadis, Founder and CEO Faros Co. Ltd. Educational Ventures

  8. Irene Papaligouras, Founder of Leaders Excellence Partners

  9. Faidon Tamvakakis, Chair and Co-Founder of Alpha Trust Mutual Fund

The Conference will take place under the auspices of: The Municipality of Andros, The Kaireios Library Foundation (and it’s director Academy of Athens Member Dr. Michalis Tiverios), The Yacht Club of Andros and will be further supported by the Andriot maritime and business community at large.

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From Community 2 Sherman Teichman From Community 2 Sherman Teichman

Physicians for Human Rights Israel - A Convisero Gathering

Pictured here are friends and allies who have come to a Trebuchet/Convisero meeting for Physicians for Human Rights Israel at my home, moderated by Convisero mentor Susannah Sirkin, former longtime policy director at Physicians for Human Rights (U.S.).

Here is the invitation from Susannah:


I'm very pleased to join Sherman Teichman and Iris Adler who are graciously hosting a discussion with Drs. Guy Shalev and Lina Qassem-Hassan of Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHRI). *

They will talk about their efforts to respond the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank as well and PHR-I's longtstanding and ongoing work to promote dignity, equality and justice for all people living under Israel's responsibility control. 

These human rights leaders will be on a short visit to the Northeast U.S. to raise awareness and broaden their network for advocacy and support.

Sunday evening, March 31st, 7 pm, at Sherman's home

Dr. Guy Shalev—Guy is PHRI's Executive Director and a research fellow at the Minerva Center for the Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions. He is a medical and political anthropologist specializing in the intersection of medical professionalism, ethnonational politics, and bioethics in Israel/Palestine. Guy received his Ph.D. from The University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill in 2018, and his publications have appeared in American Anthropologist, Israeli Sociology, and Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry

 Dr. Lina Qassem-Hassan—Lina is the Chairperson of PHRI's Board of Directors. She is a family medicine specialist with Clalit Health Services in the Haifa and Western Galilee District, specializing in end-of-life care. In addition to regularly volunteering with PHRI's West Bank mobile clinic and medical delegations to Gaza, Lina volunteers with their Prisoners and Detainees department, accompanying Palestinian hunger strikers. Recently, Lina volunteered with PHRI's emergency make-shift clinic for survivors of the October 7 massacre and has spoken out about her belief that all victims of this war deserve medical treatment.

Much appreciation,

Susannah (Sirkin), former longtime policy director at Physicians for Human Rights (U.S.)

The horrific events of October 7th in all its brutality and sadism, and the subsequent Israeli regime’s rampant operational reaction to destroy Hamas with its abhorrent loss of thousands of innocent lives have shaken me. Elsewhere I have addressed strategies attempting to restore deterrence but for me, the imperative has always remained how to struggle to secure a humane future for both Israeli and Palestinian peoples (NIMEP Insights). 

This meeting of PHRI is, among others I have hosted including the Abraham Initiatives, of organizations I believe have integrity in the midst of all this horrific chaos. 

I have defended the concept of self-determination for both Israel and Palestine for many decades. Immediately after the days after the ’67 war, influenced by Prof. Leibowitz who I had met at Givat Ram Hebrew University “warned against the state of Israel and Zionism becoming more sacred than Jewish humanist values”… and of the “dehumanizing effect of the occupation on the victims and the oppressors.”

We were privileged to have in our midst Prof. Liebowitz's grandson Akiva and his wife Hila. 

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From Community 2 Sherman Teichman From Community 2 Sherman Teichman

Progress and Pushbacks on Promoting the SDGs in the U.S. through Policy and Partnerships

Next Monday, March 11th at 10am EST, Convisero mentor and Trebuchet team member Rachel Svetanoff is speaking as part of the UNECE Regional Forum for Sustainable Development program. The side event is called "Progress and Pushbacks on Promoting the SDGs in the U.S. through Policy and Partnerships." 

Speakers include Caroline Kleinfox, Director of U.S. SDG Planning at the UN Foundation, John Havens, Founding Executive Director of IEEE's Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems and professional actor, Scarlett Lanzas, Founder and CEO of Accountable Impact, and myself!

The link to register is here.

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From Our Community, From Community 2 Sherman Teichman From Our Community, From Community 2 Sherman Teichman

INVITATION: Preventing Jewish-Arab Violence within the Green Line

In May 2021, a period of fear and violence shook Israel: A conflict that started in Jerusalem expanded into Gaza, and soon boomeranged and escalated inside the Green Line. Interethnic violence erupted in Israel’s mixed cities, where the country’s Jewish and Palestinian citizens live side-by-side, leading to death and destruction. Following the devastating October 7 attacks, however, there has been no repetition of intercommunal conflict inside Israel, in spite of the efforts of those seeking to incite racism and violence.

What has Israeli civil society learned from the past to prevent such violence and how might it apply those lessons in the future so that Jews and Arabs can come together across differences?

To discuss these questions and more, join us on Wednesday, February 28, at 9am PT / 12pm ET for a webinar discussion featuring our Co-Deputy CEOs, Shahira Shalaby and Ruth Lewin-Chen, and moderated by Partners for Progressive Israel board member, Professor Sam Fleischacker. There will be time at the end for audience Q&A. Register here to take part in this crucial conversation, which is cosponsored by Partners for Progressive Israel and The Abraham Initiatives. 


I hope to see you there!


Lydia Woolley
North American Program Director


Shahira Shalaby is Co-Deputy CEO at The Abraham Initiatives, where she oversees our work in mixed cities. She is the former Deputy Mayor of Haifa, a former city councilor, and was among the founders of the Palestinian Feminist Movement in Israel. She has established several initiatives and organizations working to improve the status of Arab women in Israel and has consulted for social change organizations on issues of leadership, strategic thinking, teamwork, developing and managing resources, and community work. She is a group facilitator, specializing in dialogue, conflict resolution, and facilitator training. She holds a Masters' degree in religious studies and a Bachelor's degree in social work. 

Ruth Lewin-Chen is Co-Deputy CEO at The Abraham Initiatives, and previously led The Abraham Initiatives' Mixed Cities program. Her skillset comes from her experience directing conflict resolution programs and advocating for the representation of women in decision-making positions in the local council of Mevasseret. For the past decade, Ruth has been promoting a shared society in Israel, mainly through the facilitation of dialogue groups of Arab and Jewish youth and by developing knowledge on social movements with Shatil. Ruth holds a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Comparative Literature and a Master’s in Organizational Sociology from Hebrew University.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to with any questions.

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From Community 2 Sherman Teichman From Community 2 Sherman Teichman

Resilience, Resistance, Renewal: Two years of the Full-Scale War in Ukraine

This is from tonight's talk at Cooper Union--and I would invite you to scroll to 15' (fifteen minutes into the film) to listen for 10 minutes or so to the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, a lawyer, war crimes documenter and friend of Victoria Amelina's, Oleksandra Matviichuk: she spells out very clearly what's happened and what's at stake:

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From Our Community, From Community 2 Sherman Teichman From Our Community, From Community 2 Sherman Teichman

Jewish Currents

Wednesday, February 28th at 1pm ET:

Gaza is the deadliest place in the world to be a journalist today. More than 75% of media workers killed worldwide in 2023 have died in Israel’s assault on the besieged enclave. In the occupied West Bank, too, Israel’s jailing of Palestinian journalists has reached an all-time high, with the Committee to Protect Journalists raising the alarmabout Israel’s harassment of reporters and the silencing of their coverage.

Join us for a discussion on how this lethal environment for journalists is impacting our ability to understand what’s happening on the ground, what it says about the future of covering conflict zones safely, and the latest efforts to hold the Israeli government accountable for these attacks. We will also discuss the challenges that journalists around the world face in covering Israel’s war on Gaza accurately and ethically.

This event is sponsored by Just Vision, Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU), +972 Magazine, the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA), and theCommittee to Protect Journalists.

Read More & Register Here


Fadi Abu Shammalah is a Palestinian journalist from Gaza who was recently evacuated with his family to the US via Egypt, and who still has colleagues trying to report what is happening on the ground as Israel closes in on Rafah. He also serves as a Just Vision outreach associate. You can read more about his experience in this New York Times op-ed.

Karen Attiah is a columnist at The Washington Postwho has written and posted extensively about the impact of Israel’s war on journalists and other civilians (“Where is the outrage over Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza?”). Karen was the winner of the 2019 George Polk Award as well as the 2019 Journalist of the Year Award from the National Association of Black Journalists. She has been a fierce advocate for accountability and justice since agents of Saudi Arabia killed her late colleague, Saudi-American journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Gypsy Guillén Kaiser is the advocacy and communications director for the Committee to Protect Journalists, which is investigating and documenting the plight of Palestinian journalists. Their most recent reports are available here.

Haggai Matar is the executive director of +972 Magazine, an independent, nonprofit online magazine run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists. He is also co-director, together with Just Vision’s Suhad Babaa, of the Hebrew-language news site Local Call, and serves on the board of the Union of Journalists in Israel.

Julia Bacha (moderator) is Just Vision’s creative director and a filmmaker who directed movies includingBudrus (2009) and Boycott (2021).

Join Us On Wednesday, February 28th


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From Community 2 Sherman Teichman From Community 2 Sherman Teichman

Quantum Computing and Global Affairs: A Conversation with IBM’s Mark Ritter

Quantum Computing and Global Affairs: A Conversation with IBM’s Mark Ritter, April 12 4:00 PM Eastern

What are the global implications of recent breakthroughs in both the theory and practice of quantum science? What are the potential roadmaps and notional timelines for the development of these emerging technologies? Will these advances strengthen cooperation or heighten the prospects of competition and conflict among nations?

This special session on “Quantum Computing and Global Affairs” will feature Mark Ritter, chair of the Physical Sciences Council at IBM and a widely recognized national leader and advocate for quantum science. He is a member of the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee, which provides independent advice to the President and Secretary of Energy on trends and developments quantum information science and technology, and how to maintain American leadership in this critical field.

Onsite attendance is limited to the Yale community, but virtual attendance is open to the public. 

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