Purpose-led Leadership Lessons for the 21st Century - Organized by Achilleas Stamatiadis

Purpose-led Leadership Lessons for the 21st Century

Premises: Kaireios Library premises (Andros), Andros Yacht Club

Organized by Convisero mentor Achilleas Stamatiadis

Dates: 23-25 August 2024

Mission Statement: Learning from the past - Reshaping our Future

Purpose-led leadership is a leadership approach that emphasizes the importance of aligning an organization’s mission and values with the personal values and goals of its leaders. It goes beyond traditional leadership models that primarily focus on achieving financial goals and instead places a strong emphasis on making a positive impact on society and the world.

Key characteristics of Purpose-led Leadership include:

  • Mission and Values Alignment

  • Inspiration and Motivation

  • Social Responsibility and Impact

  • Long-term Thinking

  • Stakeholder Responsibility and ESG

  • Adaptability and AI literacy

  • Ethical Leadership

  • Employee Well-being

  • Measuring Impact to Society

That is why it’s more important than ever, today. We live in an era in which there’s often a vacuum of role models. The aim of our conference is to bring about and inspire such models via a live contact with Purpose-led leaders which will stimulate a discussion and bring forth new models of Leadership and Societal Impact to help alter our future.

Conference Speakers/Participants

  1. Yannis Perrotis, Chairman CBRE Atria Group

  2. Emmanuel Vordonis, Former Chairman Thenamaris Ship Management Company

  3. Alexandra Mitsotakis, President of World Human Forum, Social Entrepreneur

  4. Andreas Andrianopoulos, Director of the International Institute of Diplomacy and

  5. Foreign Policy at New York College, Former Minister

  6. John Molfetas, Investor Relations Manager, Thenamaris

  7. Achilleas Stamatiadis, Founder and CEO Faros Co. Ltd. Educational Ventures

  8. Irene Papaligouras, Founder of Leaders Excellence Partners

  9. Faidon Tamvakakis, Chair and Co-Founder of Alpha Trust Mutual Fund

The Conference will take place under the auspices of: The Municipality of Andros, The Kaireios Library Foundation (and it’s director Academy of Athens Member Dr. Michalis Tiverios), The Yacht Club of Andros and will be further supported by the Andriot maritime and business community at large.