International Court of Justice Proceedings in The Hague by Columbia Prof. James Hansen
The International Court of Justice is hearing from scores of nations before it issues an advisory opinion on the "Obligations of States in Respect of Climate Change." The key issue is whether international law requires nations to phase out production, distribution and use of fossil fuels and otherwise pay damages to the most vulnerable and hardest-hit of nations.
The other panelists are:
Eelco Rohling, Professor of Ocean and Climate Change at the Earth Sciences Department at Utrecht University.
Appy Sluijs, Professor of Paleo-oceanography at the Earth Sciences Department at Utrecht University.
Ingrid Robeyns, Professor of Ethics of Institutions at the Ethics Institute of Utrecht University.
Dan Galpern, General Counsel of Climate Protection and Restoration Initiative, and my long-time legal and policy adviser. [Dan's backgrounder on the proceedings is here.]