Dr. Bob Weintraub for Brookline School Committee

I’m running for School Committee because I have a long and rather unique professional history in education — as an English teacher in New York City, founding principal of the pre-k to 8 Micro-Society Magnet School in Lowell, BHS Head of School from 1992-2011, and professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Columbia University Teachers College and Boston University.

In partnership with my colleague Dr. Adrian Mims, we launched the Calculus Project at Brookline High School in 2009, and I’m currently Chair of the National Calculus Project.

In these challenging times, I believe that my experience in and passion for public education are vital to the necessary conversations about the present and future of our schools.

More of Dr. Bob's
core beliefs:

Leadership Matters

For administrative searches, we need democratic and inclusive search committees that have a real voice in the selection of our school and district leaders.

As well, our schools must be committed to cultivating leaders within the district.

Excellence in Teaching

As my colleague Ron Ferguson wrote, "Schools are built upon the three legs of a tripod—curriculum, instruction, and relationships—and without strong relationships, good curriculum and instruction are less likely to matter."

Prioritize People closest to the kids

Budget decisions must be driven by the return on investment (ROI) for the academic achievement and well-being of our students. Powerful research says that investment must be made at the schoolhouse — teachers, counselors/social workers, and principals who work with our kids every day.

The Academic goal for our schools

The academic profile of the school system — as measured by school attendance, course enrollments, student grades, and standardized test scores — improves over time. And the gap between the higher achieving and historically lower achieving students narrows.

To make this happen, the robust academic culture must be maintained (high standards), and intentional supports (such as the Calculus Project) must be provided so that more and more students can succeed within that academic culture.

The social-emotional goal for our schools

We must honor E Pluribus Unum in our schools.

This means understanding and respect for human differences and our essential kinship, and that every member of our school community has the freedom to define themselves and feel safe within that definition.

Media & Critical Thinking

We are a toxically divided nation. This is a reflection of politically driven information cultures, characterized by disinformation and misinformation.

Brookline should be a lighthouse in confronting this Brobdingnagian problem. We must address this through curriculum and through the practice of democracy in our schools

Vote On Or Before May 6th

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