From Our Community, Event Sherman Teichman From Our Community, Event Sherman Teichman

Light in Gaza Webinar: A Rose Shoulders Up: Poetry and Culture in Gaza

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Light in Gaza Webinar: A Rose Shoulders Up: Poetry and Culture in Gaza


Register for our next “Light in Gaza” webinar, A Rose Shoulders Up: Poetry and Culture in Gaza (June 27, 12 p.m. ET/ 9 a.m. PT). Professor and Middle East expert Ann Lesch will talk with “Light in Gaza” contributor Mosab Abu Toha about his life and work in Gaza. Mosab is a poet, essayist, short story writer, and the founder of the Edward Said Library in Gaza.

In August 2022, AFSC and Haymarket Books published Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire. This distinctive anthology imagines what the future of Gaza could be, while reaffirming the critical role of Gaza in Palestinian identity, history, and struggle for liberation. Ann Lesch is a member of the editorial team for Light in Gaza, and Mosab Abu Toha contributed poetry and an essay on cultural struggle in Gaza. Click here for more information about the anthology.

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