
Terry Abrahamson

Terry Abrahamson is the only artist in history to have work presented at the Smithsonian Institution, Chicago’s DuSable Museum of African American History, the Blues Hall of Fame, Boston Celtics home games, Johnny Cochran’s funeral, the Provincetown Tennessee Williams Festival on NPR and The Oprah Winfrey Show and before the US Supreme Court. Terry won a Grammy for co-writing “Bus Driver” with legendary Bluesician Muddy Waters, one of five Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees and six Blues Hall of Fame inductees to perform Terry’s  work. He is a 2014 Chicago Blues Hall of Fame inductee.

Terry’s photomemoire, “In the Belly of the Blues,” and “The Blues Parade” - his kids’ illustrated history of the Blues - are both part of the permanent collection of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.  In February 2020, the Chicago Public Library chose “The Booksibition” of “The Blues Parade” as an anchor for its African American History Month celebration.

Terry’s Blues photographs have been exhibited at museums and libraries and at the Chicago Blues Festival, and will soon be part of a Folk Americana Roots Hall of Fame

exhibit at the Boch Center/Wang Theater in Boston.  His produced stage plays include “The Brat Race,” “Hannukatz the Musical,” “The New Orleans Jazz Funeral of Stella Brooks” - an anchor presentation of the 2010 Provincetown Tennessee Williams Festival - and his prescient 1990 production, “Doo Lister’s Blues” about the conspiracy to suppress political content in Black pop music of the 1960’s, which the Chicago Reader praised as “reminiscent of August Wilson.”

A Chicago native and first-hand witness to American music history, Terry is a frequent speaker on the history and legacy of the Blues, its role as the first voice to rise from the cotton fields in defiance of White Supremacy, its role as the historic spirit of Black Lives Matter, and on his own days and nights onstage and backstage with the legends of America’s oldest and most resonant artform.

Most recently, Terry created a workshop for Provincetown Family Week 2022 celebrating the tools of whimsy, imagination and swagger, as used by the Blues, to find our voices,  celebrate our identities and share them with the world. As part of the event, each child in attendance got their own Blues name, and helped write a Blues song.

Terry’s radio show, “In the Belly of the Blues” can be heard on Northwestern University’s WNUR at

Terry and I have shared a lot of fun, mostly in Truro, Cape Cod, where we were frequently the guests of Convisero mentor Ted Kurland. I have rarely met a more exuberant and enthusiastic person. We found common ground in our music tastes, and recently, Terry composed this song,“My Body Is Mine”to support our efforts to elect Patrick Schmidt in his race for the House from Kansas. This video is performed by Blues Legend, Ms. Teeny Tucker. This song helped galvanize the successful vote against Kansas republicans’ efforts to curtail abortion rights, and was allied with our efforts with Planned Parenthood. 

Alex Gladstein

Alex Gladstein is Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation. He has also served as Vice President of Strategy for the Oslo Freedom Forum since its inception in 2009. In his work Alex has connected hundreds of dissidents and civil society groups with business leaders, technologists, journalists, philanthropists, policymakers, and artists to promote free and open societies. Alex's writing and views on human rights and technology have appeared in media outlets across the world including The Atlantic, BBC, CNN, The Guardian, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, NPR, TIME, The Washington Post, WIRED, and The Wall Street Journal. He has spoken at universities ranging from MIT to Stanford, briefed the European Parliament and US State Department, and serves as faculty at Singularity University and as an advisor to Blockchain Capital, a leading venture firm in the fintech industry. He frequently speaks and writes about why Bitcoin matters for freedom, and co-authored "The Little Bitcoin Book" in 2019. His new book “Check Your Financial Privilege” was published in March 2022.

Shanzhi Thia

Born and raised in Singapore, Shanzhi has a strong interest in international security issues, in particular how nations and armed forces are adapting to meet the present and future challenges of non-conventional security threats, both globally and in the Asia-Pacific. He is also interested in the interplay of law and policy in the Asian-Pacific maritime arena, and broader issues of maritime security.

Shanzhi graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University with a B.A in History. While at Tufts, he participated in the 2012-2013 EPIIC “Global Health and Security” Colloquium. Needless to say, the themes and takeaways from that year prepared him somewhat in navigating the present-day COVID-19 reality.

Mosab Abu Toha

Mosab Abu Toha is a Palestinian poet, scholar, and librarian who was born in Gaza and has spent his life there. A graduate in English language teaching and literature, he taught English at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools in Gaza from 2016 until 2019, and is the founder of the Edward Said Library, Gaza’s first English-language library. Abu Toha is the author of the debut poetry book Things you May Find Hidden in My Ear, published by City Lights in April 2022. The book is shortlisted for the 2022 Palestine Book Awards.

In 2019-2020, Abu Toha was a Visiting Poet in the Department of Comparative Literature at Harvard University; a Visiting Librarian at Harvard’s Houghton Library; and a Religion, Conflict, and Peace Initiative Fellow in the Harvard Divinity School. In 2020, Abu Toha gave talks and readings at the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, and the University of Arizona. He also spoke at the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting held in Philadelphia in January 2020. In October 2021, University of Notre Dame’s Literatures, Annihilation, Exile, and Resistance lecture series hosted Abu Toha to speak about his poetry and work in Gaza.

Abu Toha is a columnist for Arrowsmith Press, and his writings from Gaza have also appeared in The Nation and Literary Hub. His poems have been published on the Poetry Foundation’s website, in Poetry Magazine, Poetry Daily, Poem-a-Day, Banipal, Solstice, The Markaz Review, The New Arab, Peripheries, Jewish Currents, Democracy in Exile, and other journals.

‘The Journalist in Jenin’, a poem for Shireen Abu Akleh

What a Gazan Should Do During an Israeli Air Strike - a poem by Most

I was introduced to Mosab by Convisero mentor Sara Roy. Together, we created this webinar, From Inside The Wall: Conflict and the Flourishing of Culture In Gaza. We are contributing books to his Edward Said Library in Gaza. 

Shorena Shaverdashvili

Shorena Shaverdashvili has 19 years of experience in the field of media, in Georgia.
Over the years, she has been the co-founder and editor-in-chief of popular general-interest magazines, a radio station and the weekly political print and online publication Liberali.

In 2010-2011 Shorena was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Georgian Public Broadcaster, and in 2008-2011 was a co-founder of the media advocacy group Media Club. She also co-founded Media Advocacy Coalition, which became an umbrella for organizations working on media rights. Through these efforts, she actively fought and advocated for media freedoms, freedom of expression and media transparency and accountability.

Between 2013-2019, Shorena held the position of the General Manager of the Publishing and Printing House Cezanne and later became the managing partner at Cezanne Publishing, an independent publishing house specializing in non-fiction titles and translations.Cezanne Publishing also started a paper stationary line which integrates the work of Georgian artists.

In September, 2021 Shorena assumed the position of the Head of the Media Academy, a media institution based on the Georgian National Communications Commission. Media Academy trains journalists through short and long-term training programs, harbours and helps start-ups in digital technologies through the Media Lab and owns a platform called, which provides professional commentary and assessment of media issues and violations of journalistic standards in Georgian media.

Shorena is a graduate of Tufts University, in International Relations and Philosophy.

She is married with three children, Luka (18), Lazare (16) and Cecilia (3).

"Sherman and EPIIC have been the single, most inspiring encounter of my life! I was only a sophomore when I joined EPIIC, and I got very lucky during my "entrance exams". Sherman's "killer questionnaire", which was to test our knowledge of world affairs, and hence help him decide on the EPIIC "dream-team of 1998", was based mostly on the topics I was too familiar with - Russia, post-Soviet countries and good-old Russian Oligarchs. Now we all know about them, but back then, it was a strange word, and concept. Lucky for me, my father had a few Georgian oligarch friends and I knew all too well how they amassed their assets after the break-up of the Soviet union.So, I was in for a year-long adventure, which has been lasting a life-time, thanks to Sherman, who taught us that the world is amazingly and intricately interconnected through serendipitous encounters and our quest for thorough understanding of it's workings, and a deep empathy for human experiences which shape us into super-heroes. Yes, Superheroes! Anyone who has been under Sherman's mentorship knows that anything is possible, through endless curiosity and zeal for life, and learning.I hope for many more encounters with Sherman, where we can drink some Georgian wine and talk about how we tirelessly need to dissect and challenge ideological prisms and mainstream political or cultural narratives of today."

Steven Miller

Steven E. Miller is Director of the International Security Program, Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly journal, International Security and also co-editor of the International Security Program's book series, Belfer Center Studies in International Security (which is published by the MIT Press). Previously, he was Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and taught Defense and Arms Control Studies in the Department of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Miller is editor or co-editor of more than two dozen books, including, most recently, The Next Great War? The Roots of World War I and the Risk of U.S.-China Conflict.

Miller is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, where he is a member of their Committee on International Security Studies (CISS). He currently co-directs the Academy's project On the Global Nuclear Future.

Miller is also co-chair of the U.S. Pugwash Committee and a member of the Council of International Pugwash.

Miller was born and raised in North Hollywood, California. He received his undergraduate degree at Occidental College in Los Angeles. He received a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) and a Ph.D. in international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He is married to Deborah K. Louis. They have two sons: Jonathan (1989) and Nicholas (1997).

Steve has been a strong supporter and friend. He scripted this letter in support of EPIIC’s and the Institute’s overture to the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Caron Croland Yanis

Caren is principal of Croland Consulting, a private practice that guides athletes, celebrities, high net worth families, and social institutions in building collective purpose and legacy through philanthropy.

As President of Crown Family Philanthropies in Chicago, (2009-2016), she managed organizational redesign and growth, engaged multiple generations, and guided strategy in the U.S., the Middle East, and the developing world.

Caren built Oprah Winfrey’s philanthropies, as Executive Director (2000-2009) at the height of the Oprah Winfrey Show, a period that included Oprah’s Use Your Life Awards, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa and the Oprah Winfrey Boys and Girls Club in Kosciusko Mississippi where Oprah was born. She led disaster recovery and rebuilding in the Mid-South following Hurricane Katrina that put fourteen-hundred families back in homes. Caren was a member of Harpo’s Senior Management Team.

Caren chairs the board of The Poetry Foundation (a well-resourced, private operating foundation) and has guided it through a series of organizational changes with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is a member of the Board of Visitors at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University and at the Women in Philanthropy Institute.  

She is a frequent keynote and podcast speaker at wealth management and estate planning conferences with a focus on family offices, governance, and purpose. Recent keynotes and podcasts include: The Heart of Giving (BBB), Dentons, Family Business Magazine’s Family Wealth and Legacy Conference, Family Office World, Yale Philanthropy Conference, and FEW.

Caren is an adjunct professor at Tulane University, the University of Chicago’s Booth School Private Wealth Management program, the Spertus Institute, and the Sports and Entertainment Impact Collective (formerly part of Johns Hopkins).

Caren understands the social change landscape. Her engagement in the sector has spanned media (The Oprah Winfrey Show, Time Inc., WSJ, Country Living) and startups like Leading Edge, formed to build organizational capacity in nonprofits. She has developed economic and education programs in Africa in collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and through public private partnerships and worked extensively in Israel and the Middle East on cross boundary projects related to coexistence and the environment. She holds a degree in Broadcast Journalism from Emerson College, studied speech and language pathology at Mercy College, and has a certificate in Strategic Leadership for Nonprofit Organizations from Stanford University.

In her spare time Caren hosts salons that bring bold thinkers together for meaningful conversations. She has a passion for listening deeply, navigating challenges, and guiding people who have the potential to make the world a better place.

Sherman had a formative influence on Caren when she was a broadcast journalism major at Emerson College. She helped develop the Freedom of Information Act symposium, that brought journalists and novelists together with politicians to discuss the importance of the Act and the need for transparency. Years later he participated in a conference on ethics and international affairs she chaired in the Isles of Shoals, off the coast of Portsmouth, NH.”

In the early 1980’s, I accepted a very challenging, fun position to enhance the journalism curriculum of the Mass Communications Department at Emerson College, invited by a wonderful lady, Marsha Della-Guistinaand an interesting character, Rod Whitacker aka “Trevanian”. They both gave me full authority to be playful. There, I created some of my first major symposia with the honors undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in my seminars. 

I created curriculum on investigative journalism, foreign policy, reporting, and even on sports journalism. In this context, I met Caren, one of the smartest students I had had in decades. She was, and remains, perceptive, innovative, and engaged in remarkable initiatives. I could never have enacted the programming and curricula that stimulated my life without her direct and thorough engagement. 

She was an editor of the Emerson newspaper and worked closely with me on several forums, one on the MX missile, and then the forum on Secrecy and Democracy that she mentions above. We convened this symposium in 1982 anticipating Orwell’s 1984. Participants included the former Director of the CIA, the radical lawyer William KunstlerMort Halperin of the National Security Council, the author of a book on the Rosenberg’s, novelist Robert Coover; the Official Historian of the US Department of State, William Slany; and the Director of the Ralph Nader Freedom of Information Clearinghouse, Katherine Myer. Here is the cover of the briefing book for that symposium; if one removed the acetone cover, it would reveal the whited-out portions, usually black, in the FOIA docs that inquiring journalists would submit. 

Ezra Barzilay

Dr. Ezra J. Barzilay hails from Greece and is a pediatrician by training. Currently the Country Director of the CDC office in Kyiv, Ukraine, he is leading the efforts to stem the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and responding to the COVID-19 threat in the country. 

Ezra is a commissioned officer of the US Public Health Service, currently in the rank of Captain, he has served in uniform for 16 years, his most recent role at CDC was serving as the technical lead of the National Public Health Institute Program in the Center for Global Health. In this role, he supported several countries in strengthening or establishing their national public health institutes and led the process of strategic planning and coordination of vertical disease programs and other public health functions from a systems perspective.  

Ezra began his career at CDC in 2004 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer. He also served as the lead epidemiologist for the Health System Reconstruction Office, and served as the Deputy Incident Manager for the CDC’s 2016-2017 Zika Response, the 2014-2015 Ebola Response and the 2010-2011 Haiti Cholera Response. Prior to that, Ezra led the U.S. National Surveillance Team for Enteric Diseases in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases at CDC.  

Ezra received his bachelor’s and medical degrees from Tufts University, in Boston, MA, where he returned in 2012 as an Institutional Scholar and Practitioner in Residence (INSPIRE) Fellow, to advise, mentor, and instruct students of the 2012 Institute for Global Leadership colloquium/symposium efforts on Global Health and Security. He completed a residency in pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine Affiliated Hospitals and then joined the Epidemic Intelligence Service corps at CDC to train in infectious disease epidemiology and is board-certified in pediatrics. Ezra is a Fellow for Life with the Albert Schweitzer Foundation, and holds academic appointments as Adjunct Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences and as Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine.

Fluent in seven languages, Ezra's field experience includes disease surveillance, international public health interventions, disaster response, outbreak investigations, and serving as a trainer and expert consultant for the World Health Organization. 

Ezra was a superb INSPIRE Fellow. He was our colloquium Outward Bound quest lecturer and ran the Operation Dark Winter exercise on biological terrorism attacks on the U.S.

Ezra receiving “the Light On the Hill” Award in 2013.

He expertly mentored our students and provided internships at the CDC. I nominated him for the top Tufts University alumni honor, "The Light On the Hill" Award in 2013.  

He has remained a close friend and ally. Most recently, he helped convene Trebuchet's webinar event on the human impact of COVID-19.

Oleg Svet

Dr. Oleg Svet is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, where he teaches courses on the intersection of national security, climate change and the energy transition, and on the theory and practice of security.

Since 2008, Oleg has consulted for a variety of think tanks and defense clients, primarily on the impacts of non-traditional military threats such as disruptive technologies and climate change on national security. He has also served as a military legislative assistant on Capitol Hill, and as a contractor with US Forces-Iraq at the American Embassy in Baghdad. Previously, he has taught courses on modern war, conflict, diplomacy, and counterterrorism at King’s College London and Tufts University.

Oleg holds a PhD in War Studies from King’s College London, an MA in Strategic Studies and International Economics from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and a BA with honors in International Relations from Tufts University, where he was a Tisch Scholar. While at Tufts, Oleg was active with the IGL as a member of the New Initiative for Middle East Peace (NIMEP) and a contributing author to the NIMEP Journal. He was also an EPIIC student (2004-2005), and was part of EPIIC’s symposium on “Oil and Water,” which first sparked his interest in climate change and made him critically think about how public policies and emerging technologies can propel the energy transition.

In his free time, he enjoys writing and engaging in interdisciplinary conversations on uncertainty.

Emalee Thitthavong

Emalee has a background in international affairs and economics, and has years of experience as a teacher of communication to a global audience. She has conducted grassroots research in Indonesia, focusing on maternal healthcare to alleviate some of the highest rates of postpartum hemorrhaging in the world. In the Dominican Republic, Emalee tackled workers’ rights issues in the international garment industry and helped launch the first unionized, living-wage garment factory. She used her skills abroad in  communication, development and technology to pivot to digital communication for a variety of organizations domestically. Her experiences have included working in healthcare spaces and helping doctors and patients navigate complex medical treatment options, to working with non-profit organizations focusing on refugee resettlement, racial justice, and addressing education inequality. 

Currently, Emalee is the Strategic Growth Manager and Communication Coach at Executive Voice, ( coaching international cliente at various career stages. Notably, she’s worked with graduate and PhD level economics departments, world fellows, public health professionals, environmentalists, and architects at top universities around the world. She’s also worked with political candidates and their teams on the municipal and federal level, and executives in the private sector.

Mitchell Orenstein

Mitchell A. Orenstein is Professor and Chair of Russian and East European Studies at University of Pennsylvania and Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. His sole-authored and co-authored works on the political economy and international affairs of Central and Eastern Europe have won numerous prizes.

His most recent book, Taking Stock of Shock (Oxford University Press, 2021), co-authored with Prof. Kristen Ghodsee, evaluates the social consequences of the 1989 revolutions that ended communism in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It explores two theories: 1. After a short recession, everyone has done fine and achieved a new level of prosperity, and 2. 1989 unleased an economic catastrophe of enormous proportions that requires a strong hand to put right. Unexpectedly, Taking Stock of Shock finds strong support for both theories. While many people experienced a short dip followed by increased prosperity, a majority suffered an economic decline six times greater on average than the Great Depression. Meanwhile, Western international organizations tried to convince everyone that all was well, creating a bizarre political, economic, and social legacy of transition that remains to be overcome.

Orenstein is also the author of The Lands in Between: Russia vs. The West and the New Politics of Hybrid War (Oxford University Press, 2019), a study of how intensifying geopolitical conflict has shaped politics in the lands in between Russia and the West. It documents the “civilizational choice” faced by these countries, the resulting sharp polarization of politics, and the rise of corrupt power brokers who balance between both sides. While this politics is most evident in the lands in between, it is increasingly prevalent throughout Europe and the West. We are all lands in between.

Prior to this, Orenstein co-authored From Triumph to Crisis: Neoliberal Economic Reform in Postcommunist Countries (Cambridge University Press, 2018) with Prof. Hilary Appel. Based on newly available archives from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, From Triumph to Crisis develops a new theory of the political economy of transition that explains the enduring triumph of neoliberalism in the region from 1989-2008, as capital-starved countries sought to signal their openness to investment with policy reforms. From Triumph to Crisis won the Laura Shannon Prize Silver Medal of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies in 2021.

Mitchell has participated actively in my prior Institute, and particularly inspired my students during my last year at Tufts as my last Outward Bound speaker, where we created the cohesive team necessary to enact a very complicated year. (Here is the program of the 2015-2016 EPIIC Symposium: The Future of Europe. You can find Mitch on page 40.) He has also conducted a recent lecture on Ukraine to my Indian students.

Mitchell is also a wonderful personal friend, and a relative on my wife, Iris’s side.

I will always remember Mitch for his wonderful, direct support of me joyfully retaining nearly ten thousand volumes of my personal library when I retired, which Iris was eager to have me discard. He argued persuasively against that idea, with the wonderful phrase that such a library represented one’s “intellectual autobiography.”

Alexander (Sasha) Abashkin

Alexander (Sasha) Abashkin is a Russian educator who for more than 30 years has worked in the interests of developing US-Russia relations.  

In 1993 he joined Stanford University and co-founded the Moscow campus of Bing Overseas Studies. He served as the Program's Deputy Director (1993-2004) and then as Program Director (2005-2014). Stanford program in Moscow was one of 11 other programs around the world where Bing Overseas Studies delivers education to Stanford-only students interested in studying abroad.  

At some point, Alexander was also invited to head the Center for International Projects of the Russian Academy of National Economy, where his mission was to develop cooperation with foreign universities and organizations. He has formed partnerships with Harvard’s Davis Center, State University of New York, Georgia Tech, University of Southern California, University of Pennsylvania, Brigham Young University, and several other universities. Thanks to his acquaintance with Sherman, Russian students became regular participants in the EPIIC Symposia.

He co-founded and served as Executive Director for the Academy’s “Preparing Global Leaders Summit” (PGLS), a premiere international educational program for best young professionals. The program sought to provide aspiring global scholar-leaders with the tools that are necessary for effective leadership in an increasingly complex world. In the last three years the program of its existence it was attended by young leaders from about 80 countries. 

Alexander founded and supervised RANEPA’s English-language Masters’ program, the first Master’s program in Russia for local and international students studying management which is taught fully in English. He promoted the program internationally to help attract students and faculty from more than 20 countries, including US, Canada, France, India, Macedonia, Bulgaria, FSU countries. 

Thanks to Alexander's efforts, hundreds of Americans had the opportunity to learn Russian, to get to know Russia, its culture, and people. Many of them have now become respected professionals and work in important positions, including in the US Presidential Administration. In today's Russia, such an achievement became a black mark, which prompted Alexander to leave Russia. Now he hopes to find a position that will allow him to aid scientists from Ukraine, as well as those ones from Russia and Belarus, who oppose the war with Ukraine and are therefore persecuted by the Russian authorities. 


In my experience with Sasha, he was a consummate professional, brilliantly alive, and sensitive to cultural and educational nuances, and courageous and ethical in his thinking. I had the pleasure of working with him in my Institute’s TILIP program, when wonderful Russian students attended multiple international programs of the Institute, particularly EPIIC.  

I was invited and hosted by Sasha to give graduate-level lectures at RANEPA on global challenges. I particularly remember one lecture when, based on Steven Coll’s book on global energy, Private Empire: Exxon Mobil and American Power, I challenged Russian students to think about the implications of their energy policies in Europe and particularly in the Arctic, both sadly now contested areas of hot and potential conflict.  

In what might have been one of the most embarrassing moments of my tenure as the Director of the Institute, where for years I was preparing and advising students on their international, immersive educational experiences, occurred when I and my wife traveled to Moscow on what we thought were valid visas. One day, I had received an incredibly formal-looking, embossed document by certified mail from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) including a wax chop seal securing the envelope. The letter was printed on parchment vellum and entirely in Russian, a language I could not read. It was followed up by an email from the Presidential Academy the very next day, asking whether I had received my visa. Idiotically, given the timing, I believed that what I had indeed received was my visa, expressly delivered. I did not translate the letter, which had both my and Iris’s formal names in elaborate script, and I immediately emailed back to who I thought was my official Russian contact that I had.  

It was an all-expense-paid trip, and they sent first-class tickets, but it was not a direct flight, with a required stop-over in Amsterdam. We enjoyed the city, and arrived early at Schiphol Airport, where we were the source of some consternation at the Aeroflot gate when I presented our documents. Officials agitatedly conferred, all in Russian, and after considerable delay, they apologized and ushered us onto the plane.  

Upon arriving at approximately two in the morning, we were immediately stopped at customs and ushered into a pale green, windowless room, interrogated separately, and informed that we had entered illegally and that we would be unceremoniously deported back to Europe on the next flight, which was perhaps four hours later. What I had assumed was my visa was simply an invitation to travel to Washington to the Russian Embassy to get the formal visa.  

I felt remarkably embarrassed, humiliated, and stupid, and I could only imagine the humiliation of disappointing Sasha, who had made elaborate plans to host us, as well as the humiliation I would face returning to Tufts, where I departed as an official envoy between two universities. Luckily, a Russian employee of KLM took pity on the two of us and got a message out to Sasha in the middle of the night. Sasha worked his magic. He had contacts at the highest levels of the Russian government and after several hours of pure dismay, we were suddenly ushered into Sheremetyevo International Airport, where Edward Snowden would spend a lot of time in limbo. Upon my return to Tufts, I made sure to tell this embarrassing story, which turned out well, to all of my students, who were travelling all over the world. They got a great laugh out of it, but seriously understood the necessity to more rigorously prepare than I had.  

My last time at the airport was decades earlier in the 1970s, when I remember bribing Russian custom officials with Penthouse pornographic magazines to not search our luggage, filled with human rights literature and personal letters to Jewish Russian refuseniks seeking to leave Russia for Israel, and Russian democrats seeking a democratic future in Russia. I was a courier for Amnesty International and the Union of International Concerned Jewry. Quite a different experience. I had made several trips, including one with then-not-notorious Alan Dershowitz, when we each had parts of a small camera we assembled to bring documents back from Russian Laureate Andrei Sakharov.  

One note here: The graduate student escort that drove Iris and I around Moscow on a sightseeing tour turned out to be remarkably interesting, especially when he insisted that Jews were responsible for the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Center. His “evidence” was that all Jews were alerted by the Israeli Mossad to evacuate the buildings before the planes struck. As I reflect on this, I think about the persistent anti-Semitism in Russia, the news blackout over the war in Ukraine, and the perverse irony of Putin arguing his “military exercise” was to de-Nazify Ukraine, and how Russian propaganda asserts that Zolensky — a Jew — has a Nazi-like brain.

Benjamin Perlstein

Rabbi Ben Perlstein is a Chaplain Resident at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, serving primarily on the Columbia University Irving Medical Center campus. He worked previously as a Rabbinic Fellow at Romemu in Manhattan and received rabbinic ordination in 2021 from the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he also completed an M.A. in Jewish Thought focused on ethics and mysticism.

Ben previously graduated summa cum laude from Tufts University, where he studied political science and participated in the Institute for Global Leadership's EPIIC and Synaptic Scholars programs. He is also a grateful alumnus and current junior faculty member of FASPE (Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics), and through the international Jewish education organization Kivunim, Ben has spoken at the U.N. on the complexities of contemporary Holocaust commemoration and participated in the first Holocaust conference in the Arab world. He is passionate about creative, multidisciplinary and multifaith applications of spiritual wisdom and practice to issues of public concern and pastoral need.

Abuzar Royesh

Abuzar Royesh is the co-founder and CEO of DataServeAI (Sabi Cash), a California-based startup that builds digital financial solutions for small businesses in Africa. Abuzar holds master’s degrees in Management Science & Engineering and International Policy from Stanford University as a Knight-Hennessy scholar and a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University in International Relations.

Prior to Stanford, Abuzar worked as a research lead at Afghanistan Holding Group, where he led various research and assessment projects for the office of the Afghan president, various ministries, USAID, UNHCR, and GIZ. He has also worked with marginalized youth, including international displaced persons, in Afghanistan in various capacities since 2010.

He was recently selected for Forbes 30 under 30 along with 5 other Tufts alumni.

Liz Shelbred

Liz recently graduated from Tufts University with a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Civic Studies. She has spent her time at Tufts focusing her studies on the intersection between global accountability and grassroots civic action as a potential solution to social injustice.

Since her first year at Tufts, The Tufts Daily provided her not only with a strong community but also a means of preserving the truth and mobilizing change on campus. She served as Associate Editor, Executive Opinion Editor, and a member of the Editorial Board. In her last year at Tufts, she wrote for the Investigative and News sections of the Daily, and was on the Journalism Education and Diversity Report Committees. She was also a member of Amnesty International at Tufts, where she learned about practical ways to prevent human rights abuses and deliver justice. Additionally, as part of the Tufts Experimental College’s Explorations program, she taught a first-year course on the covert history of CIA involvement in Latin America.

She followed her interest in transformative education to Education for Employment (EFE), where she aided in assembling a global network of prominent influencers, entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists to fund and promote EFE’s Fall 2020 Women’s Empowerment campaign across the MENA region. In the spring of 2020, she volunteered with the World Peace Foundation to track the spread of COVID-19 in prisons, jails, and ICE detention centers. With the Oslo Scholars program at the Tufts Institute for Global Leadership, she interned for Jamila Raqib and the Albert Einstein Institution this summer. There, she tracked nonviolent action in the news, researched the role of digital technologies and social media in nonviolent resistance, and aided in developing the AEI 2.0 platform. In October 2021, she attended the Oslo Freedom Forum in Miami.

After college, she hopes to pursue a career in human rights law and conflict resolution. She joined The Trebuchet to follow my belief in education and community to be the keys to dismantling systems of oppression and division.

Brandon Silver

Brandon Silver is an international human rights lawyer, and Director of Policy and Projects at the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.

In this capacity, Brandon serves on the legal teams of prisoners of conscience, representing some of the world's leading dissidents and statespeople. He also provides strategic counsel to governments, parliaments, and international organizations on rule of law and public policy reforms.

He formerly served in the office of then Liberal Party of Canada Leader and now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and currently acts as Chief Advisor to former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and longtime Parliamentarian Irwin Cotler.

Brandon’s work has been featured in major publications, including TIME magazine, Canada's national news-magazine Maclean's, the Globe and Mail, Foreign Policy, and the Washington Post, and is a past nominee of the Quebec Literary Awards and winner of the CBC Reader’s Choice Prize. In 2016, the World Economic Forum named him a “Global Shaper.”

He is a graduate of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, and received his Masters of Law from UC Berkeley on a scholarship for excellence in Public Law.

Brandon has had a transformative impact not only on the law, but on lives; not only in the courthouse, but in the court of global opinion; in each and all of his endeavours, he has represented the very best of what the Canadian legal profession stands for, securing liberty and dignity for the most vulnerable.

As international counsel to dissidents, he led the global advocacy that achieved freedom for political prisoners, including the release of our pro bono client Raif Badawi, the celebrated Saudi blogger whose wife and children are Canadian citizens.

As head of our Global Human Rights Sanctions Program, Brandon has become a trusted interlocutor and confidante to civil society and decisionmakers in Canada and internationally, making major contributions to the adoption, implementation, and refinement of sanctions frameworks for global justice and accountability. In the last 18 months, this has included among others, providing counsel to government and Parliament on recalibrating Canada’s sanctions frameworks - including Asset repurposing, legislation that is currently under consideration in the Senate - and successfully submitting sanctions proposals; advising and guiding the Australian Parliamentary Inquiry that led to the successful adoption of targeted sanctions legislation in that jurisdiction; and Canadian Chair of the Global Magnitsky Civil Society Coalition, representing over 275 organizations around the world engaged in human rights sanctions multilateralization and implementation.

At a time of resurgent intolerance, where Antisemitism remains the most frequent motivation of hate crime in Canada, and Holocaust distortion and denial runs rampant internationally, the creation of the role of Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism is as timely as it is necessary. After leading advocacy for the creation of the Office, and subsequently negotiating and drafting its mandate with Government, Brandon was also instrumental in the recent announcement that it will be a permanent Office with a dedicated staff.

When the International Bar Association and International Association of Women Judges reached out to highlight the plight and pain of Afghan legal leaders under threat, Brandon spearheaded our Centre’s response, working with committed and compassionate lawyers across Canada to successfully secure their safe resettlement. With hundreds of Afghans already being resettled thanks to his leadership, our efforts continue with partners in Canada and internationally to secure life-saving support for the many more who remain at risk.

Brandon has also served as trusted advisor to the High-Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom, established jointly by the governments of Canada and the UK to provide independent and substantive advice to governments on matters of law reform and public policy initiatives to protect and promote press freedom. In this capacity, Brandon has worked closely with Panel Vice-Chair Barrister Amal Clooney and her successor Barrister Can Yeginsu to publish important reports - and pursue advocacy - on myriad pressing matters ranging from consular protection to sanctions, and from hate speech to immigration and refugee measures, the latter of which led to Canada’s recent announcement of a dedicated visa stream for human rights defenders and journalists at risk.

I have known Brandon for years, having first met him in Oslo at the Human Rights Foundation's forums, I have been wonderfully impressed by his decency and initiative, and I am very honored to be his friend and "accomplice" in supporting dissidents and people at risk. I know from our common close friend, Irwin Cotler, just how valuable he is to the Wallenberg Foundation.

Allister Chang

Allister Chang was a Synaptic Scholar in the Tufts class of 2012. He is an elected member of the DC State Board of Education, a board member of Bibliothèques Sans Frontières, and an advisory board member of the Library of Congress Literacy Awards. Allister is currently developing social determinant of health interventions that meet underserved families where they are. 

Allister was a competitive figure skater growing up, which taught him how to fall. He studied social history at Tufts and at Oxford. For his senior thesis, he conducted an oral history of the first LGBTQ organization in East Asia, and moved to Taiwan to support this organization post-graduation. Allister studied social policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, where he was elected President of Student Government. As Executive Director of Libraries Without Borders, Allister supported library systems around the world and developed education technologies that won the Google Impact Challenge and the Library of Congress Literacy Award. He is a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow, and an alumnus of the Robert Bosch Stiftung Fellowship, the Voqal Fellowship, and the Halcyon Fellowship. Allister has been a Visiting Researcher at the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin and UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg. At home in DC, Allister manages his local farmers’ market in Georgetown.

Lauren Lovelace

Lauren H. Lovelace participated in the Education for Public Inquiry and International Citizenship (EPIIC) program at Tufts University under the guidance of Director (and Mentor Extraordinaire) Sherman Teichman (1990-92).  This EPIIC experience redirected her academic trajectory and inspired her professional life in public service.  

Lauren is a career Foreign Service Officer and currently serves as a Senior Advisor to the State Department’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, focusing the Indo-Pacific region.   Her previous diplomatic assignments include Public Affairs Officer (PAO) in Chennai, India; Director of the Transatlantic Diplomatic Fellowship program; PAO Dublin, Ireland; Executive Director of the U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council at Georgetown University; PAO and Acting Deputy Chief of Mission, Dhaka, Bangladesh;  Assistant Information Officer, Cairo, Egypt; Political Officer and Staff Assistant, New Delhi, India; Vice Consul, Mumbai, India; Special Assistant on UN Reform at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York; and speechwriter to the Secretary of State and Bureau of European Affairs leadership on transatlantic security.  Lauren previously worked as an advisor to the Chancellor of the New York City Board of Education on school design and worked to develop schools for underserved communities in Harlem and Newark at the not-for-profit The Learning Project.   

Lauren is a graduate of Tufts University (BA94), the Fletcher School of International Law and Diplomacy (MALD95), and the University of Kentucky (MPA98).   She is the recipient of the State Department's Distinguished, Superior, and Meritorious Honor Awards.  She was a Transatlantic Diplomatic Fellow to the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and a National Security Education Program/Boren Fellow in St. Petersburg, Russia.  She is the Founder of the Edward M. Kennedy Center for Public Service and the Arts in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Lauren speaks French, Arabic, and Russian. She is a native of Kentucky.

Lauren provided one of the most compelling moments I can remember of my thirty plus years at the helm of the Institute. In our "Confronting Political and Social Evil " symposium of 1991, Lauren was a first-year student. She magnificently played the harp to accompany former prisoner of conscience Alicia Partnoy's reading her poignant and powerful poetry, which was introduced by Majorie Agosín. It took but several hours of a drive back and forth to Wellesley to meet with Marjorie for me to understand and witness the transformation of what such immersive exposure could mean for Lauren as a student and myself as an educator.

Decades before we explored the future of Russia in EPIIC, she travelled there in 1992 to conduct her prescient research theme — “Economic Growth vs. Environmental Security: The Future of Russia." Then, years later, as a seasoned professional, she accompanied another exemplary alum, Matan Chorev, in a dialogue on US foreign policy with a wonderful friend and ally of the Institute, the Hon. Les Gelb, in the wonderful garden of another friend and generous benefactor of the Institute, Edward Merrin.

Troy Lewis

Troy Lewis is an accomplished educator, youth development specialist, professional advisory muse, and social justice advocate. As the Chief Executive Officer of Education Services of Greater Washington, LLC (ESGW), he provides program-based services in the areas of workforce development, organizational capacity building, college access and personal responsibility. Troy’s professional background includes advanced program development and management skills, talent acquisition, mentor programming, leadership development, large group facilitation, college completion, professional development, and life skills. 

Troy provides expert services to local and federal government agencies, community-based organizations, educational institutions, and corporations to empower learners to reach their optimum potential through purposeful programming, intentional exposure, and access to reliable resources. He achieves results through innovative and high impact interactive turnkey Smart workshops, network training sessions, conferences, retreats, and other comprehensive program development platforms. Notably, Troy has consulted with the DC Department of Employment Services to develop a program to address the negative impact of gentrification. His work has aided DC young adults, who are out of the education pipeline, with college enrollment and international educational experiences abroad.  

Troy tributes his professional skill to his experiences with leading youth development programs and higher education institutions. After teaching high school mathematics at an alternative charter school, Troy was a Senior Trainer at the Posse Foundation. He helped identify, recruit, and train diverse student leaders to attend top-tier colleges. Troy directly supported college students and served as a Post-secondary Advisor at KIPP DC KIPP Through College office and academic advisor at the University of Maryland at College Park. At American University, he provided high profile federal internships to American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians at the USDA, Social Security Administration, National Institute of Health and the National Science Foundation. Troy also served as the Manager of Talent Acquisition and Campus Relations - Internships for the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), supporting college students and graduates of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) with securing federal internships across the country.

Troy provides resources and tools to those who aspire to achieve their educational, career, and life goals with a passion for inspiring and educating youth, young adults, and professionals. His activism on local and state boards and community volunteerism reflects his dedication to impact lives in various ways.

Troy holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Florida A&M University, studied Higher Education at University of Maryland College Park, and is pursuing a Master’s in Education in Education Leadership, Organizations, and Entrepreneurship at Harvard University

Dwijo Goswami

Dwijo Goswami is an Engagement Manager in digital and analytics at McKinsey & Company, living in New Delhi, India. At McKinsey, he leads digital strategy and transformation projects for leading consumer-facing enterprises across various industries and geographies. Prior to working with McKinsey, he was a financial management consultant in the skills division of India’s Ministry of Rural Development. 

There Mr. Goswami designed and implemented India’s first end-to-end real-time public expenditure tracking platform, in addition to coordinating policy and technology requirements and executing national roll-out of financial systems. 

Mr. Goswami also worked for The World Bank as a Consultant in Financial Management, where he piloted multiple technology innovations to reduce fund leakage. He implemented expenditure tracking systems in over 2,000 government primary schools in Odisha as well as scaled an e-payment system Odisha village health workers.

Mr. Goswami previously was a research associate at Abdul Latin Jameel Poverty Action Lab, where he worked with Nobel laureates Professors Esther Duflo and Abhijeet Banerjee on their largest public health project, which addressed anemia and low rural household incomes in Bhojpur district. 

As a John F. Kennedy Fellow, Mr. Goswami earned a Master degree in Public Administration and International Development at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 2017. In 2011, he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Economics and International Relations at Tufts University. 

Dwijo was a stellar student in EPIIC, and participated in many of the Institute’s other initiatives and programs, including this photographic workshop of our EXPOSURE program in the summer of 2009 in Ajmer, India. He was also involved in the Empower program, in which he embarked on the study of microfinance.